When I was a kid I LOVED photography. More precisely, I liked photography books and my Dad's old Minolta. Dad was always so great about showing me how to care for and use that old beast of a camera. It's a wonder I could even lift it in my little 5 year old hands. Dad often handed it to me to let me take a shot or two. Of course those were the days of slides and film so I never got to go too crazy but I had a good eye and I knew how to use that camera.
The other day I finally bought a new
DSLR camera. I gave up photography years ago after I came to believe that a couple of unfortunate photography classes ruined my eye. The instructors preached too many rules and techniques and it wrecked any natural talent I might have possessed. I decided to walk away from photography and come back when I'd emptied my head of all of the nonsense.
Today, was the day to get to know my new camera. It's a Canon and I love it already. It's interface is easy to use. I read the manual and took several shots of my propped up feet, studying the difference in aperture and exposure settings. It's all new to me again... yea!!!
I happened to have
The Seven Ages of Rock on
tv (again) and something about having a camera in my hand and seeing Robert Plant on stage got me thinking about what my much younger self thought my life was going to be like.
For starters, I was TOTALLY going to marry one of these guys:
(I've always loved a tall drink a water and I blame Mr. Plant)
(I have a Parker Stevenson autographed picture somewhere around here.)
(Greg, you were dreamy... but lose Bear)
(I recently told
Shandon that I tolerate
Justified because I enjoy seeing Timothy
Oliphant lean in a doorway, maybe this is why:)
I stand by every one of my daydream subjects. Of course, catching one of these "total foxes" was not going to be a problem because I was going to look like this:
I was going to drive this:
I was going to live in a place like this (but with lots of exposed brick, plants and books):
I was definitely going to have a stereo system like this (but with much bigger speakers and an entire wall of well organized
Most importantly, I was going to travel the world as a super human National Geographic Photographer then take Ansel Adams' job:
Of course, times have changed and none of these things came to pass but, as it turns out, I like who I became. Who knows, maybe I can still become a decent photographer.
Oh, and Bobby? *Call me.*