Friday, September 12

Is that so wrong?

Is it a bad sign that the first thing I thought, when seeing this fabric pattern, over on Crazy Aunt Purl's Blog, was "Pillowcases!!!"

I'm serious. I really think my life will not be complete until I have a pillowcase featuring these beefcake firemen. Sweet dreams indeed.

OH! And I have an update on my nemesis Rick Sanchez. I was watching a bit of Hurricane Ike coverage last night and was thrilled to find that our buddy Rick has been relegated to jackass duty. Yup, he was standing in the storm, getting pelted by rain, about to get blown over and still he managed to be smug. I think my favorite moment was when they reduced him to a screen-in-screen shot and cut his mike, so the anchor could finally get a word in edgewise, and Rick just kept yammering on and on. It was awesome!


Anonymous said...

You thought pillowcase, I thought wall hanging. Guess we're of the same mind here!

shandon said...

I thought gay.