Monday, October 8

More TV Talk

I forgot to mention this earlier, I LOVE Pushing Daisies. It's a wonderful combination of dark, sweet, quirky, over-the-top fun that I haven't seen in ages on network television. If you missed it, you can watch it here. I'm telling you, it's definitely worth a look. I haven't watched a ton of new shows this season (mostly because I was watching The War) but this one is a stand out. It's already at the top of my Tivo Season Pass list. And don't even get me started on the fact that Kristin Chenoweth is in it.

How was the Bionic Woman? I missed it. :( I'm a recent convert to Brothers & Sisters. A co-worker insisted I give it a try so I did. I liked it. I watched the first episode of Big Shots and even those hot guys couldn't keep my attention. Bummer.

Oh! And I've found yet another BBC America favorite. It's called You Are What you Eat. Much like How Clean is your House? they find people in a terrible state and turn them around. The participant(s) apparently keep a food journal before they start then a Doctor/nutritionist shows them all they've eaten in the past week. Imagine a table holding everything you've put in your mouth in the last seven days. It's mostly horrifying and often brings people to tears. The Doctor then runs several tests and puts the culprits on a detox diet based on the nutrients they are most deficient in. She then comes back in 8 weeks and the results are amazing.


shandon said...

I really liked Pushing Daisies, too, though I don't know how it can maintain that whimsical tone. I'll have to keep watching and see if the writers can pull it off!

As for You Are What You Eat, damn. I don't think I could handle the trauma.

Anonymous said...

Bionic Woman is great. Our whole family is watching it. My oldest son has declared it his favorite show.

That's funny you should mention You Are What You Eat. I was thinking of telling you about it. I'm pretty addicted to that's great! Don't you just love, " it's time for me to take a look at your poo"? Classic!