Sunday, June 8

Busy week

So, tomorrow morning I head out to New York city, midtown Manhattan to be exact. I'll be there for Licensing Show. It's the most fun NY trip of the year because SO MANY of my friends/co-workers are all in the city at the same time. I'm literally running into to friends at every turn. I'm not sure how many of us will be in the hotel I'm visiting but it's got to be at least 100 of us. 10 of us are getting together for dinner tomorrow night, that will be a nice kick-off to the week.

The most frustrating part of the week is that we're not allowed to discuss what our new jobs are. We had a big meeting on Friday running us through all the new org charts. I must admit that when I first saw my name with boxes underneath and a couple above I was a bit intimidated. I have a really big job to do but I don't think I realized it until I saw it up on a giant screen. I'm sure my eyes got very big when I first saw it. One of my former bosses congratulated me then admitted she first thought "Holy crap! How is Lucy going to do it all?!" I had the same thought but the concern didn't linger. I'm flattered that my Managers chose me for the job but I'm confident that I can do it. Best of all my new job is now much easier to describe to others. My current job description/title is all over the place. Frankly, it's barely worth mentioning because it's so complicated. Now it's pretty clear cut. I'm also happy that I'll get to continue working with a lot of my favorite people. My new duties are in an area I care about and can be passionate about so I'm really looking forward to it. Too bad I can't tell anyone about it!

I don't have plans to see any shows in NY this week but that's (mostly) by choice. I've been spending a lot on work clothes/shoes/accessories lately so I'm trying to hold back on other spending. :(

My calendar is definitely overextended this week so I won't be able to slip away for any museums but I'll be back again soon. I'm pretty much booked from 8:00 through 10:00 pm every day. Bummer. Luckily most of those evening plans are optional. Most of the big-wig dinners are open, if I'd like to join them, but they are with people I don't do a lot of business with so it shouldn't be a problem if I decline. I'll probably quietly decline business dinner offers and try to spend time with friends that I don't see enough of.

It's supposed to be hot as hell in New York this week but it's hot every year at Licensing Show so it's no real surprise. I hate high 90's temps in NY because it's so humid. To be clear, I don't do sticky. I'm a California girl and I just don't know what to make of humidity except to give in a n be miserable. As far as I'm concerned hell wouldn't be just hot, it would be humid. I'll be indoors for most of the trip so I'm hoping I don't have to deal with the humidity all that much.

All in all, it should be a fun week. I'll be sure to post if anything interesting happens.

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